While there was a good showing at all my sessions last week at SQL Server Magazine Connections, I think Configuring Reporting Services Security Correctly was most popular based on feedback I’ve already received from attendees. As I suspected was true, a lot of folks are bumping into security issues that leave them frustrated. If I had to nail the single most recurring problem, I’d say it was related to Kerberos. Either people didn’t realize their server environment necessitated Kerberos, or they’ve been told it’s hard to configure and avoided it, or they’ve tried configuring it and run into trouble because information out there on this subject tends to be incomplete or, worse yet, inaccurate. I have to confess I’ve not been one to dig into security issues very deeply in the past. My eyes tended to glaze over when the subject came up, even though in my heart I know it’s extremely important. It’s just that I’ve been fortunate enough to have someone else deal with security on my projects, so why fill my brain with details I don’t use? At least that’s how I felt until this last year when I had no choice but to dig in and conquer some security-related issues. This session encapsulated some of what I learned as I resolved to strengthen my security skills. In support of this session, I’ve prepared the step-by-step instructions for configuring Reporting Services to use domain accounts, to use SSL, or to use Kerberos which you can download here. I’ve also included some common error messages and suggested causes and/or action to take.
If you find an error in this document, or want to share a Reporting Services security-related error that you’ve come across, please shoot me an email. I’d love to hear from you and your help in keeping this document up-to-date with known errors would be a great service to the Reporting Services community.
The “download here” link on http://blog.datainspirations.com/2007/11/13/configuring-reporting-services-security-correctly/ leads to a “page not found” error.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The file should now be available.